Sunday, December 26, 2010

I am what you are

I have never gone anywhere, for all "wheres" include my Self - all "wheres" require my Self for their existence.  All "wheres" have been appearances in my invariable Self.

Time is a concept of measuring changes in appearance.  Time is only a concept - time does not actually exist.  The movement of time is only a mental mechanism.

I have never done anything, for all doing is a variation of appearance.  Appearance itself is not other than what I am.

I am not in need of anything, for what could be missing from the whole?

Nothing is wrong, for right and wrong, good and bad, are modulations of the whole, expressions of the whole, descriptions requiring relativity.  Relativity or duality is the way I know my Self.

There is never anything apart from what I am - all experiences are only experiences in translation.  When that translation is believed in, it requires a separate observer.  There is no separate observer.  There is only present IS-ness, translated as experiencing and experience for the sake of communication but not actually describing reality.

The "world" is not other than what I am.

I am what you are.

There is no need to find this as it's already the case.  There is nothing to correct, nothing to manipulate, no conditions necessary.  The Whole and the Individual are not-two.

 Seeking it, it is overlooked automatically.  You are present and that is the only knowledge that isn't a concept.


Anonymous said...

Hi Randall,

Just what I was looking for-
"I have never done anything, for all doing is a variation of appearance. Appearance itself is not other than what I am."

-The changing shape of a cloud.

Cheer's,the next pint's on me.
Love Lewis.

clueless said...

Hi Randall, I don't seem to enjoy reading written words so much, but I love what happens when I close-eyes and listen to your's the best;

so glad it's available.
