Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I Am Not Involved

The world goes on, situations appear, "time" seems to flow, "space" is filled with forms of all shapes and purposes...

I am not involved...

This "body" moves about, breathes, eats, sleeps... sensations bundle to create the illusion of solidity, of consistency and persistency and familiarity...

I am not involved...

"Thoughts" appear from nowhere - formless yet insistent, providing color, characteristic, meaning, purpose, ownership, doership, authorship, location, duration, to all that appears...

I am not involved...

States of happiness, sadness, suffering, bliss, peace, conflict, even sleep and dreaming, come and go...

I am not involved...

The idea "I AM" appears - on top of which all sorts of things appear; man, father, husband, employee, writer, thinker, sleeper, doer, sitter, driver, eater, hearer, seer, knower, "involve-er"...

I am not involved...

Witnessing presence watches this all arise and subside, effortlessly, openly... without holding, without changing, without being touched...

I am not involved...

I am not involved, interested, invested, attached, conditioned, formed, with or without. I am not a "thing" to be seen, a "self" to become, a "person" to have needs or desires or fears...

I have no shape or size or characteristics, no attributes, no individuality, no personality. I have no name, no location, no duration, no knowledge or wisdom, no being or not being, no form or emptiness...

Form and Emptiness arise in a Dream of Beingness, as words seem to flow on this screen...

I AM choiceless, effortless and ever-present presence of awareness, and how could I ever, ever, EVER be involved, even in that.

Everything is ME and NOT-ME simultaneously - yet I am not involved at all. I cannot find anyone who is involved, who cares, who wants, who needs, who fears, who is born or dies, who teaches or learns, who is located anywhere or any-"when".

Not even the idea of "involvement" remains.


J. said...


Anonymous said...

I think I must be the wet wet charcoal type.
Just can't get it.
Moments of cognition then mind is there fully involved again.
Nothing to do about it, just breathe in and breathe out.
Not involved and yet fully believing myself to be totally involved.
Thanking you again for sharing.

Randall Friend said...


WHO is this "I" who says "I just can't get it."

WHO is invested in the goal of "getting it"?

"Moments of cognition" and "moments of confusion" equally arise in this already-present PRESENCE of knowing. This knowing is not dependent on either understanding or lacking due to confusion.

The idea of a "ME", who is trying to understand, is another "image", another concept, appearing in this clear, non-conceptual awareness that you already ARE.

Is this Knowing concerned with the "Susana"-thought getting this or not?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

YES~ Randall~YES~!

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful text. I am devoting a part of the Dutch part of my website to advaita.
Could I have your permission to translate this text into Dutch and place it on my site with a link to your blog?

All the best,

Roeland (general URL).
(entrance page for Dutch advaita pages)

Randall Friend said...


Translate as you wish, my friend.

love to you

Anonymous said...

Dear Randall,

Thank you, the translation has been placed at



Anonymous said...

Again... Exquisite~!