Sunday, May 18, 2008

Where is the Experiencer?

What is happening in direct experience? What is happening NOW?

Image from computer screen, butt pressing in chair, maybe sound of music, sound of rain, feeling of hunger or feeling of confusion...

Thoughts are noticed - rising and passing like clouds...

Sound of bird chirping, car driving by...

The labels we use (computer, chair, music, rain, hunger, confusion, thoughts, bird, car) - these labels are only in the mind - they have no meaning in direct experience.

What is direct experience? Pure experiencing? Pure, naked, objectless and label-less witnessing - vast, spacious and empty awareness...

In pure experiencing, no "EXPERIENCER" is provided, no ME is inherent in this - there is only what's appearing, only what's coming through "the senses"...

Isn't even the body "sensed"? How else is the body known? And what is this sensation? Mostly known through the sense of touch? And thoughts are like sound or sensation.

Where is the "experiencer" in any of this? Where is the ME? Is this present in direct, pure experience? Is this a sensation?

An "experiencer", a ME, is not provided by pure experiencing, is not present in "present awareness".

The ME or the "experiencer" is only a concept, appears only in thought... the IDEA of an experiencer is known to arise in thought, in belief...

And this IDEA is another sensation only, has no reality outside of the appearance of the WHOLE of NOW.

Simply notice that EVERYTHING appearing appears in direct experience, NOW. Notice that what IS is not what is CONCEPTUALIZED, believed, requiring time and space to BE.

Notice that the idea of an "experiencer" arises and passes like the rest of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an powerfull pointer!Thanks!

If in this direct experience there arises a fleeting sense of a person, an image of a somebody with characteristics, is that what is meant as concioussness appearing in Awareness?

Thanks for your ongoing "non-effort" to publish your valuable insights,
beste regards,