Monday, February 11, 2008

Meetings are now scheduled

Initial meetings will be held at the OWOKUN Meditation Island - Meditation Circle, in Second Life.

The first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday February 19, at 7:00 PM PST - 10:00 EST. The meetings are free and will be in English.

These meetings will be sharing of Advaita Vedanta and other non-dual pointers (Zen, Taoism, Dzogchen Buddhism). It will be very informal and questions are welcomed.

Further meetings may be held at different times and locations to satisfy requests from other time zones. Please write to let me know if you want to attend but are unable to because of the time zone (India, Australia, Europe, etc.)

One-on-one meetings are also possible due to the Second Life format. Please write.

Second Life is a way to use technology and the Internet to get together. Many requests for meetings have come - because of geographical distances are unable to meet in person. Second Life is a way to bring those from all over the world to meet "face-to-face" and in groups.

If you wish to attend these meetings and have never used Second Life, please write. You will be put in contact with a SL "expert" who can show you how to get around. It is highly recommended, if you wish to attend, to get the Second Life program installed, your avatar created, and get oriented to the look and feel, in advance of the meetings.

Second Life requires a 31 MB download and installation, then create a free account, give your avatar a name and an appearance, then you can move about. Unless you wish to purchase land, custom clothes, etc., there is no cost to participate in SL.

There are a few system requirements which are necessary to have a good experience in SL - mostly a good amount of RAM memory (at least 1 GB), a good video card, decent bandwidth (DSL minimum, cable modem recommended). For more information, see the following link -

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