Sunday, May 4, 2008

Nothing about Advaita

Anything that appears, appears in Awareness, Consciousness. Consciousness makes nothing out of this appearance, holds nothing, makes no distinctions, has no preferences, neither accepts nor rejects anything that appears, simply reflects like a mirror anything that happens.

The properties of that appearance, the qualities, the goodness or badness, the shape, form, time, space, color, smell, solidity, any and all characteristics of the appearance, is defined by mind.

The concepts given to the appearance, that I'm a person, I'm living a life, I'm suffering or I'm happy, I was born and I will die - I must find the Truth, I must find Enlightenment, I must understand Advaita - WHATEVER it is, is only a concept formed in THOUGHT, out of WORDS, only relative to the PERSON, only relative to the SELF-CENTER, which ITSELF is still an appearance, still a thought, a belief.

And MIND is an appearance in Consciousness. Consciousness is a knowing - not KNOWLEDGE which is gained, for that is more acquiring and storing and referring to the labels, the properties, of the appearance. This knowing is an effortless knowing of that which is appearing, a spontaneous registering of what's happening without holding on, without gathering or applying labels or properties.

And this is happening NOW - this is what you are... This isn't something to attain by practice or through acquiring more knowledge or wisdom. This is something that is unavoidable, inescapable.

This is PRIOR TO the mind, WATCHING the mind and all it's thoughts, it's ideas, it's beliefs, it's stories. And the most common STORY is the life story of the person. But whether that story is there or not, whether there is a "dropping away" of ME or not, whether there is a "dissolving of the ego" or not, this knowingness is still ever PRIOR TO, and knows nothing about Advaita.


Anonymous said...

But that knowingness is still an appearance on "that" that doesn't need any knowing...there is really nothing to hold on to...and even that is ultimately false! ;-)

Anonymous said...

But that knowingness is still an appearance on "that" that doesn't need any knowing...there is really nothing to hold on to...and even that is ultimately false! ;-)