Saturday, May 24, 2008

I AM...

I AM the Ocean - infinitely vast and deep, never changed by the waves which arise and fall, immovable, untouched...

I AM the Sky - ever present, vast and infinite, containing all that appears but never touched at all, open for all without resistance or judgment...

I AM Space - undeniable yet inseparable, immediate and encompassing all, fully present yet ungraspable...

I AM Awareness - immediately reflecting each appearance without holding, attaching, defining, making distinctions or giving meaning...

I AM Consciousness - an open space where all appears, where all comes and goes, where all is free to BE... a BEing which is defined only through the filter of the mind, a prism which reflects a dependent reflection, a kaleidoscope in which the details of the world happen WITHIN and AS the totality, NOT SEPARATE OF...

I AM Pure Experiencing - no experiencer or experienced, for these are only given in Mind... purely THIS-HERE-NOW with nothing EVER elsewhere... pure SEEING with no SEE-er or SEEN... pure HEARING with no HEAR-er or HEARD... the very subject and object are creations of mind, the pure IS-NESS is never broken into parts...

The immediacy of NOW, THIS... this PURE EXPERIENCING that is ever present and undeniable yet never separated, never DONE BY someone, never OBJECTIFIED except in thought...

Ocean, Sky, Space, Awareness, Consciousness... words which cannot ever approach the immediacy and simplicity of the ever-present and infinite presence of beingness, the beingness without "beings", Life without "lives", existence saturated with emptiness, emptiness full to the brim....

Joy, Love, Bliss, Peace, Freedom - words which can never, for even a moment, begin to describe the actuality of BEINGNESS, the pristine and pure Absolute, the extent of infiniteness and eternalness, the simple obvious Oneness which can never be "seen" yet can never, ever, EVER be missed.

And I AM before the first thought of seeking, before the first spiritual experience, before the first book is read...

No words or thoughts or books or teachers or paths or methods or spirituality or religion or psychology or ANYTHING is required or even capable of knowing what I AM, yet I AM undeniable...

I AM...


Vince Flammini said...

Wow. What beautiful pointing and writing. Thanks, Randall. You always reveal another facet of the jewel when I read your writing.


Anonymous said...

Just what was needed.
Thanking you